Lux 1 Extracurricular Activities General Conditions

Extracurricular activities General Conditions 2024-2025

Extracurricular activities General Conditions 2024-2025



The Extracurricular Activities are intended for the pupils of the European School Luxembourg I with a possible accommodation for the children of Luxembourg II, as an extended institutional relative.

The list of extracurricular activities for the current year can be found on the website .


  • The school regulations apply to the extracurricular activities. Pupils and parents are required to respect the general school rules and to behave in an appropriate manner before, during and after activities as well as respect the material placed at their disposal.
  • In order for an activity to take place, a minimum number of students must be reached. The organizers reserve the right to modify the activities.
  • The extracurricular activities are taking place only in the school premises and only after school hours.
  • The parent don't need to come between the activities, if the break is not more than 15 minutes. If it's longer, the parent have to come to stay with the child until the start of the next activity.
  • The nursery and primary children aren’t allowed to stay without supervision in the school premises before, between and after the extracurricular activities.
  • Personal information required for registration purposes will not be divulged by APEEEL1 without parent permission. The list of the children participating in activities will be shared with the school, the security guards, CPE and the Conservatory of Luxembourg if needed.
  • If an activity session is cancelled by APEEEL1 or the monitor for any reason, the parents will be contacted in advance. In the event of the unforeseen absence of a monitor, APEEEL1 will do everything possible to find a replacement. Parents will be notified of on-going changes to an activity.
  • If a student is absent for his/her activity or APS, please inform the activity monitor and the Extracurricular team as soon as possible.
  • In the event that a pupil has not attended 3 consecutive sessions of an activity without having previously informed the Extracurricular team and the activity monitor, he/she is deemed to have abandoned his/her place. This will be then offered to another child in the waiting list. In exceptional cases, the APEEEL1 reserves the right not to follow this rule.
  • APEEEL1 can exclude any extracurricular activities user whose behaviour does not comply with the school regulations and extracurricular activities rules.
  • The Extracurricular activities general conditions may be subject to modification during the school year.
  • If the extracurricular activities can’t take place physically, they will be adapted and continue online. If the online classes can’t be organized because the type of activity isn’t suitable for this way of functioning, the activity for this specific period of time will be suspended and the parent could ask to be refunded for the lost sessions.


In line with the policy recommendations from the General Assembly and the APEEEL1 statutes, priority access to the activities will be given to registered, paid-up members of the Parents’ Association (APEEEL1).

  • Registrations are only online on the APEEEL1 extracurricular activities website
  • The payment must be made by credit card. Confirmation will be sent to you by e-mail.
  • For the activities which are full, we operate a waiting list system. If a space subsequently becomes available, or if a duplicate course is opened, those children have priority.
  • Lux 2 parents can enrol their children to participate in an activity even if the child does not attend this School, so children from Lux 2 can attend Lux1 activities, but APEEEL2 members will not have the priority for the activities and will pay the administration fee as non-members.
  • If places are available in activities, inscriptions during the school year can take place. They are done by the Extracurricular team which you can contact using e-mail: The fees are calculated on a pro rata basis.
  • For group lessons non-members of APEEEL1 will be charged 50 euros administration fee.
  • The non-members of APEEEL1 will be charged 50 euros administration fee for the first semester private lessons inscription, but not for the 2nd semester.
  • Children can only be enrolled to the activity by parents or legal guardians. In case of violation of this rule, the child will be withdrawn from the activity and the activity fee will not be refunded.


  • In the case of cancellation of the activity by the organizers, the fees paid in advance will be refunded.
  • Cancellation of the activities and the APS with refund is only possible within the first 2 weeks of the 2024/25 activities (until 22/10/2024 included). A fee of EUR 30 will be retained by the organizers to cover administration fees.
  • Summer camp refund will only be possible if the cancellation is made 2 weeks before the start of the camp. A fee of EUR 30 will be retained by the organizers to cover administration fees.
  • After that deadline, refunds will only be possible in exceptional and justified circumstances (If the child leaves school or if a medical certificate justifies the impossibility of continuing the activity). In the event of reimbursement, the amount will be calculated on a pro rata basis for the period concerned, after the deduction of the fixed fee of EUR 30 to cover administration fees.
  • In case of a transfer from one activity to another, a fee of EUR 15 will be retained by the organizers.
  • In case of transfer from one activity to another, if the new activity costs more than the first, the difference must be transferred to the périscolaire account. If the price is lower, no refund of the difference will be granted.
  • No refund will be made for occasional absences by pupils or monitors.
  • Exclusion from the activity or APS does not entitle parents to a refund.


  • Lessons can physically take place only in the EE 1 school premises, pupils have to bring their own instrument (except piano and drums).
  • Possibility of external examinations should be discussed with the monitor. An extra payment may be required.
  • In private lessons, if the monitor is absent, the monitor alerts the parents, and they organize themselves to make up for the session during the current school year.
  • If the student is absent (school trip, pedagogical day, illness), parents are asked to inform the monitor in advance, no later than the day before. Otherwise, the lessons will be considered given and will be counted. In addition, when the school closes in exceptional circumstances, alternative solutions may be offered in order to continue the learning. No refund is possible in case of the pupil’s absence: recuperation of the lesson is at the discretion of the monitor.
  • In the event of withdrawal by a pupil, no refund will be made, unless there are exceptional and justified circumstances.
  • It is mandatory to give a minimum of two weeks’ notice to the private lesson monitor and the Extracurricular team before the end of the semester, if your child does not wish to continue the lessons the 2nd term.
  • There is no accomapgnement service for the private lessons.


  • APS registration is valid for the full year of extracurricular activities.
  • The service is available on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for primary pupils and Tuesday, Wednesday for nursery pupils.
  • PRIMARY BUILDING. Service hours are from 1:00 pm to 5:45 pm the short days and from 4:00 pm to 5:45 on Monday.
  • NURSERY BUILDING. Service hours are from 13:00 to 16:30 on Tuesdays and from 12:30 to 15:30 on Wednesdays.
  • Only children registered for at least one extra-curricular activity organised in the primary building on that day, or respectfully in the nursery building, can register for the APS service.
  • Lunch pack or lunch . Pupils can choose lunch provided by Sodexo, or lunch brought from home.  Parents whose children are not attending the CPE and would like their children to receive a lunch pack, should contact Sodexo directly (
  • Absence. If your child is absent for a medical or other reason, please notify the APS educator as early as possible.


  • In the extracurricular activities participating children are insured by AAA and APEEEL1 civil liability and risk against accident Baloise insurance. Lux II pupils attending Lux I activities, are as well covered.
  • In an emergency, course supervisors or coordinators will act in loco parentis.
  • A policy of equal treatment is applied. We kindly ask you to let us know if your child has special needs in order to assess the possibility of offering an appropriate service. The parent/legal guardian/ authorized person must inform the organizers of all relevant health issues prior to registration. In certain circumstances, the organizers reserve the right to refuse the inscription.
  • The parent/legal guardian/ authorized person is not allowed to enter the school premises.
  • Visits during the activities on the school site are not permitted without the prior agreement of the Extracurricular team. Parents exceptionally wishing to come must make a request to the Extracurricular team by e-mail to
  • After the end of school, the primary and nursery pupils for the 1st activity of the day will be supervised by the extracurricular activities team. The children who have activities later in the afternoon, must be accompanied to the designated place by their parent/legal guardian/ authorized person.
  • After the activity, the secondary pupils can leave the school premises alone. The primary pupils can leave the school premises alone with the disclaimer form, and the nursery pupils cannot leave the school premises alone. The disclaimer form must be held by the pupil to show to the security guard and the monitor.
  • For the duration of the activity session, including the time before when the child is given to the monitor and after and APS duration, when the child is still with the monitor, the monitor assumes all responsibility for supervision. The APEEEL1 is not held responsible if a child does not attend an extracurricular activity.
  • The child must be brought at least 15 minutes before the start of the activity to the designated meeting place from where he/she will be taken by the monitor or another responsible person to the activity’s location.
  • The parent/legal guardian/ authorized person must remain with the child until the monitor arrives.
  • It is very important that pupils arrive on time and are collected punctually at the end of the activity session and APS. If a pupil arrives late to the designated place before the start of the activity, the monitor can’t wait and will go with the rest of the group to the activity’s or APS location. In exceptional circumstances, the late arrival will be allowed to enter the school premises alone. In this case he/she will go to the activity’s/APS location without any supervision.
  • The parent/legal guardian/ authorized person must come to pick up the child 15 minutes before the end of the activity and APS at the designated place.
  • At the end of the activities and APS, if a child is not picked up on time by an authorized person, he or she will be held responsible and will be fined. The fine is 35 euros if the parent/legal guardian/ authorized person is late more than 10 minutes to collect the child. The fee is payable prior to the next session, the following week. The proof of payment is required and has to be sent to the e-mail: If the parent/legal guardian/ authorized person does not pay by the deadline, the following week their participation might be jeopardized. If the situation persists, after the 3rd time, participation in the activity and APS will be permanently withdrawn without a refund. This policy is aligned with the one implemented by the school.
  • Based upon common practices in Luxembourg, if the child is not collected after 45 minutes after the last activity and APS, without communication between the parent/legal/guardian/authorized person and the Extracurricular Activities Team, the Luxembourg Authorities having jurisdiction in such matters will be contacted in such instance for assistance.
  • Pupils should wear appropriate shoes and clothing for the activity concerned. The APEEEL1 is not responsible for any damage to shoes or clothing resulting from the activity. Material damage caused by a student will be charged to parents.
  • Students are responsible for their own property, in particular for the valuables they bring. The APEEEL1 is not responsible for lost items on the school premises. If your child has lost something, he/she can look for the item in “lost property”.
  • Pupils are encouraged to comply with the code of conduct and follow the instructions of the monitor and the APEEEL1. If the pupil exhibits persistent disruptive behaviour, it will be reported to parents. This may result the exclusion from the extracurricular service.
  • Harassment, bullying or physical assault is not tolerated under any circumstances. Any incidents will be immediately communicated to the Extracurricular team which will take the appropriate measures. The Extracurricular Committee commutes the right to take disciplinary measures against children responsible for incidents that jeopardize the safety of others; the children, the monitor or any other person. In exceptional cases, the APEEEL1 can propose to change the activity.
  • Bringing dangerous objects (knives, penknives, lasers, etc.) to the activity, apart from those admitted for medical reasons, is strictly prohibited.