



Inscriptions aux cours privés du 1ièr semestre/ 1st term private lessons enrollments

09/09 - 27/09/2024



Foire des activités périscolaires/ Extracurricular activities fair


Mercredi/ Wednesday


Inscriptions aux activités de groupe de sport pour les membres/ enrollments to the sport group activities for members




Inscriptions aux activités autres de groupe pour les membres/ enrollments to the other group activities for members




Inscriptions aux activités de groupe pour tous/ group activities enrollments for all





Inscriptions APS service

Début de cours de solfège/ beginning of solfège lessons





Début des activités/ Activities start




Inscriptions aux cours privés de 2ième semester/2nd term private lessons enrollments




Début de cours privés 2ème semestre/ Beginning of the 2nd term private lessons




Fin de cours de groupe/ end of group lessons




Fin de cours privés /end of the private lessons


Vendredi/ Friday


Fin de cours de solfège/ end of solfège lessons





 Extracurricular activities do not take place during school holidays, including bank holidays.


We noticed that parents who have an account with curia or eib email address do not get some of the emails from PAMS( forget your password, others), to avoid the eventual problems, please change the email or create a new account  with your personal email.



You have to sign up to register your children to the extracurricular activity.

Parent Registration

Sign in and browse the backend of the application.

Sign in



Because we understand the difficulties faced by parents, APEEEL1 has developed a service to enable more pupils to benefit from our extracurricular activities and to help resolve logistical difficulties. The APS (Activité Périscolaire Service) was launched as a pilot project for the last school year (2023-24) and was open to all primary school pupils taking part in one or more extra-curricular activities. The project was a success and will be continued and extended in 2024-25.

2024-25 The APS has been added on Mondays in the primary building and Tuesdays in the nursery building for primary school children, and on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for nursery school children in the nursery building.


Service Description

All Primary students who participate in at least one of our activities (group or private) in the Primary building, and Tuesday in group activities in nursery building, can register to the APS and receive qualified supervision while waiting for the activities.

All nursery pupils who take part in at least one of our group activities in the nursery building on Tuesday or Wednesday can register for the APS and benefit from qualified supervision while waiting for the activities.

In APS pupils can do homework, play games, and even play outside under the supervision of APEEEL1 staff.


Conditions and Rules

  • APS registration is valid for the full year of extracurricular activities.
  • The service is available on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday for primary pupils and Tuesday, Wednesday for nursery pupils.
  • PRIMARY BUILDING. Service hours are from 1:00 pm to 5:45 pm the short days and from 4:00 pm to 5:45 on Monday.
  • NURSERY BUILDING. Service hours are from 13:00 to 16:30 on Tuesdays and from 12:30 to 15:30 on Wednesdays.
  • Only children registered for at least one extra-curricular activity organised in the primary building on that day, or respectfully in the nursery building, can register for the APS service.
  • Lunch pack or lunch . Pupils can choose lunch provided by Sodexo, or lunch brought from home.  Parents whose children are not attending the CPE and would like their children to receive a lunch pack, should contact Sodexo directly (
  • Absence. If your child is absent for a medical or other reason, please notify the APS educator as early as possible.




  • Parents can pick up their children after the activity or at the end of APS at the primary building main entrance or at the nursery building from the rear entrance. If the authorized person does not pick up the child on time, he/she will be held accountable and fined. (See general extracurricular conditions for more details).
  • Pupils may remain with APS until the end or to leave the campus after their last activity. If the primary child leaves the school premises alone, the release form will be required.
  • Primary pupils will have the possibility to leave earlier to take the bus ( school bus at 16h45). If you would like your child to leave alone to take the schools’ or another bus, please indicate the time and the bus number while registering to the service. In this case the release form will be required.
  • If your child for some reasons exceptionally needs to leave earlier, please notify the APS educator as early as possible.
  • If your child start the APS stright after the school, APEEEL1 Team will pick him/her up at the meeting point and a class teacher will take them there. Children are supervised.
  • The children will be taken from APS location to the activity and returned from the activity to the APS location all the while under supervision.
  • The Activité Periscolaire service will be open from Tuesday 08/10/2024 until the end of the activities that your child is participating in.  Group lessons until May holidays, private lessons and solfège respectively until 27th June and 4th July 2025. During the periods where the Periscolaire activities don’t take place, the service isn’t available. 




  • Registration for this service will start only after closing of inscriptions in activities at 12h on September 30, 2024.
  • Online registration only at
  • Places in the APS are limited. Priority will be given to pupils who have several activities on the day in question. Initially, you will be put on a waiting list and once your situation has been examined you will be accepted to finalise your enrolment.
  • Registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • This service is available for all parents (members and non-members of the parents association)
  • Registration must be booked per day.

Example: A family uses Activité Periscolaire service for their P2 child on Tuesdays and Thursdays and would like the child to have the lunch pack provided. Parents must register their child twice (once on Tuesday and once on Thursday) and contact Sodexo for a lunch pack.


How to enroll?

The service will be open for you only if your child has at least 1 activity on the day in question.

  • log in to PAMS Periscolaire reservation platform
  • From the menu at the top of the screen:

Go to Parent →Group activities

Select the filters Type and select APS

  • Select the correct day(s) when you want to book this service.
  • Click on the button View and Subscribe
  • At the bottom of the screen, a message may indicate that the activity is not yet open. Please note that IF YOU STILL HAVE THIS MESSAGE ONCE THE ACTIVITY HAS BEEN OPENED,  AND CANNOT PUT YOURSELF ON THE WAITING LIST ,  that means that you are not eligible for this service.
  • If you have enrolled to the APS but later decide to cancel one of your activities, you may no longer be entitled to use APS services. In this case you’ll be contacted by the Extracurricular Team.

Example: You registered your child for two activities and to APS on Tuesday, but later, decided to cancel 1 of the activities. You may lose your place at APS because someone else is on the waitlist and has two activities that day.


  • APS cancellation with refund is only possible within the first 2 weeks of the 2024/25 activities (until 22/10/2024 included). A fee of EUR 30 will be retained by the organizers to cover administration fees.
  • After that deadline, refunds will only be possible in exceptional and justified circumstances (If the child leaves school or if a medical certificate justifies the impossibility of continuing the activities). In the event of reimbursement, the amount will be calculated on a pro rata basis for the period concerned, after the deduction of the fixed fee of EUR 30 to cover administration fees.
  • The 30 EUR fee for cancellation will not be deducted if the activity is cancelled by APEEEL1.


APS (Activité Periscolaire service) cost


  • The cost of the APS is 220 euros/enrollment. The price is reduced if you have several children enrolled in the service or if you have the same child enrolled to the service several days. 1st day/enrollment 220 euros, 2nd day/enrollment 180, 3rd, 4th, 5th day/enrollment 140 euros.
  • The cost does not include the cost of extracurricular activities nor the cost of the meal.



The school and APEEEL1 regulations apply to the APS. Pupils and parents are required to respect the general school and extracurricular activities rules and conditions and to behave in an appropriate manner before, during and after the APS as well as respect the material placed at their disposal.


An «accompagnement service» is for the primary and nursery pupils who are going to the 1st activity of the day, provided by the Parents’ Association. This service allows pupils to regroup with their monitor (at a designated meeting point) and to be accompanied at the location of the Extracurricular Activities. The school teacher or the CPE person in charge will bring the kids in the meeting point. The accompagnement includes:

  1. Short days: regroupment with the activity monitor; going to the canteen or another place for a lunch, given by parents or CPE for primary and nursery pupils ; going to the activity location with all the group, supervised by the activity monitor. Parents who do not have their children registered at the CPE and who would like their children to benefit from a meal should contact Sodexo directly (
  2. Long days: regroupment with the activity monitor and going to the activity location with all the group, supervised by the activity monitor.

Parents continue to be required to punctually pick up their children at the end of the activity at the designated entrance

Inscriptions are online on the website

I. Create an account

  1. Go to: Parent registration
  2. Enter all details. If you are an APEEE Lux 1 member, it is at this point that you will enter your member code (begins with APEEELU) and your name.
  3. Register all your children on the system: Go to: parent → children management → new. Add all your children with all details.
  4. Create a personal password (use a mix of upper-lower case letters, digits and special characters).
  5. Then you will able to see the activities and to enrol.


II. Enrol to the group activity

  1. Connect on the system
  2. Go to: group activities and make your choice from the list of activities. Click at the bottom view and subscriberegister. The "register" button will disappear when the maximum permitted number of participants is reached.
  3. Payments. Go to your basket where you’ll find all your chosen activities → pay

- Payment is only possible by credit card: VISA or MASTERCARD

- Once your enrolment is done and payment is made, you will receive an e-mail confirmation


III. Enrol to the private lesson

  1. Connect on the system
  2. Go to: parent→ private lessons→ view and subscribe
  3. Choose a day and duration
  4. Then your request automatically will be send to the monitor
  5. Once he/she confirms your exact lesson time, you’ll receive a message to finalise the enrolment process
  6. After this message you’ll have 24 hours to confirm it and pay ( only directly online)
  7. Once it’s done you’ll receive a final confirmation and your child could start/continue lessons.


IV. Your activities, contacts

All your activities with the monitor and coordinator contact you can see when you connect to your account.

In line with the policy recommendations from the General Assembly and the APEEEL1 statutes, priority access to the activities will be given to registered, paid-up members of the Parents’ Associations, APEEE Lux 1.

  • For the activities which are full, we will operate a waiting list system.
  • Lux 2 parents can enrol their children to participate in an activity offered by APEEE Lux 1 even if the child does not attend the Lux 1 ES, but APEEE Lux 1 members ans families whose children attend Lux 1 school will have the priority for the activities.

Please note that the final activities on offer will depend on the number of inscriptions made in September."